On most Wednesdays, I have lunch with a delightful group of people including my friend from America, a colleague from China, her friend who is now my friend from China, and our other colleague from Indonesia. With so many languages and cultures, we tend to have some pretty fun and interesting discussions, and I’ve learned lots of interesting Chinese sentences from these lunches.
Let me share some of these sentences with you.
1. 王(wáng)婆(pó)卖(mài)瓜(guā),自(zì)卖(mài)自(zì)夸(kuā)
Literal meaning: Mrs. Wang sells fruit, and she praises the fruit she is selling.
How to use this sentence: We all like to sing our own praises, so if someone is boasting about themselves, you can say this sentence.
2. 猪(zhū)八(bā)戒(jiè)照(zhào)镜(jìng)子(zi),例(lì)外(wài)不(bú)是(shì)人(rén)
Literal meaning: When Zhu Bajie (Pig from Journey to the West) looks in the mirror, whether he sees himself in the mirror or outside of the mirror, he’s still not a person.
Meaning: No matter what you say or do, you can’t win. It’s a lose-lose situation.
Example: Guy to his girlfriend: You look beautiful today!
His girlfriend: You don’t think I look beautiful every day?
Guy: 猪(zhū)八(bā)戒(jiè)照(zhào)镜(jìng)子(zi),例(lì)外(wài)不(bú)是(shì)人(rén)。

3. 罄(qìng)竹(zhú)难(nán)书(shū)
Literal meaning: So many that the bamboo slats have been exhausted.
Meaning: Your crimes are innumerable
4. 笑(xiào)一(yí)笑(xiào),十(shí)年(nián)少(shào)
Literal meaning: Laughing makes you ten years younger.
Example: In our Wednesday lunches, we laugh often. As an excuse or an explanation for our constant laughter in the lunch room, we may say this sentence.
5. 此(cǐ)地(dì)无(wú)银(yín)三(sān)百(bǎi)两(liǎng),隔(gé)壁(bì)王(wáng)二(èr)不(bù)曾(céng)偷(tōu)
Literal meaning: A sign on top of a mound of buried gold reads: 300 taels of silver are not hidden here. Wang Er from next door comes and steals them and puts another stake in the ground that reads: Wang Er from next door did not steal them.
Meaning: To reveal what you intend to hide.
I hope you enjoy these sentences! I couldn’t think of examples for all of them, but if you think of an example, feel free to let me know in the comments below!