Interviews with Chinese Friends: Jaye

Interviews with Chinese Friends: Jaye

I have known Jaye since I moved to Guangzhou around 5 1/2 years ago. I helped her with her wedding not long after that, but we didn’t really become close friends until Covid drastically changed our lives in 2020. Since so many of our close friends left the city,...

Word Doodles (New Words)

If you would like to try out writing your own word doodles, I have some new words for you! If you need someone to read your writing, feel free to contact me!New words:Arrogant and Maroon One of the first things I do with the words is to think about all of the possible...

Interview with my Editor: Megan

To put it simply, my book would have been impossible without Megan. I am more than blessed to have a friend like her who has been my editor, but she has also helped me throughout every step of the writing, editing, and publishing processes. I’ve known Megan...