So Many Activities!

So Many Activities!

The last couple of weeks have been the season of activities and competitions! Last week, I had three different activities at my school or other schools. So what are some of the activities that foreign teachers here in China might be expected to or asked to attend as...


译者:厉雪灵感词:绿色,逃国梁小心翼翼打开门,悄悄摸到过道,偷听爸爸和爷爷在客厅说什么。他想都没想过,要是爸爸或爷爷起身去厨房倒水,逮到在过道偷听的他,会是怎样的情形。国梁只知道,这次谈话他非听不可。手上缝合处的伤口还阵阵作痛,但和爸爸的大吼大叫比起来也算不得什么。“李国梁,逃课、爬墙,你还想干嘛?”国梁知道爸爸此刻愤怒至极。爸爸抬起了手,国梁害怕是要打他,但爸爸只是抬手理了下灰白的头发,叹气道:“我猜,你是要去打游戏吧?” 插画图者:赵智智...
Boys Will Be Boys (Guoliang)

Boys Will Be Boys (Guoliang)

Inspiration Words: Green and Skip Guoliang (gwoh lee-ahng) opened his door as carefully as possible; then he crept down the hallway so he could hear his dad and grandpa talking in the living room. He didn’t think about what would happen if one of them walked toward...
Food Culture Festival

Food Culture Festival

Every year in November or December, the university where I teach has a culture festival. International students from all over the world set up booths and sell food that they make to other students and teachers in the university. The fall is usually sunny with blue...
一分耕耘,十分收获(贝基的另一篇英语学习日记) (贝基)

一分耕耘,十分收获(贝基的另一篇英语学习日记) (贝基)
