Wildlife in North Durras, Australia

Wildlife in North Durras, Australia

I loved getting to see so many animals in Australia that I would never get to see outside of the zoo. While my brother and I were in Sydney, we went to the Taronga Zoo because our friends said it was a beautiful place and we could enjoy a wonderful view out over the...

Translating is so hard!

Translating is so hard!

Last week, I translated a speech for a friend of mine and then interpreted the speech in a live situation. I am definitely not the best translator or interpreter that I know, and I felt like a bit of a fraud standing in front of everyone and trying to translate...

Villages in the City

Villages in the City

The other day, I had dinner with my friend in such an interesting village in the middle of the city, that I would love to tell you about it. In China, and it seems like especially in Guangzhou, there are lots of villages in the city. Guangzhou is changing a lot, and...

Taxi Driver Drama

Taxi Driver Drama

Conversations with taxi (or didi in China) drivers are almost always interesting. One guy in my city told me about the interesting things people had him transport—like a cat without anyone accompanying the cat. Someone just dropped it off and someone else picked it up...

Inspiration from Art

Inspiration from Art

I love seeing and enjoying things that inspire me to create something new and lasting on my own. When I watch Kendrick Brothers’ movies, I usually feel motivated to write and grow and share what I’m learning. While in Melbourne, I went to an Australian art gallery...

Don’t Listen to Lies

Don’t Listen to Lies

Living with my parents for a couple of weeks has lots of advantages. I have someone to eat with. I don’t have to make as many decisions about what I’m going to eat. I enjoy playing games, working on puzzles, and watching movies with my parents. But during the day,...

What to Do When You’re Snowed In

What to Do When You’re Snowed In

I remembered why I don’t usually come back to Kansas during the winter holiday. I was hoping for some snow after I got done with all of my traveling, but I didn’t realize we would get so much snow! By the time the blizzard was over, we had over 11 inches (over 28...

How to Deal with Reverse Culture Shock

How to Deal with Reverse Culture Shock

I really enjoy coming back home to see my family and friends. I like reconnecting with people that I’m not very good at staying in touch with, and I love seeing people that I’ve grown up with. Over the years, I have struggled with different aspects of reverse culture...