I want to make my stories more available for anyone to read. For that reason, I’m going to start releasing one story a week on my website. I’ll release the story in English, but I’ll also release it in Chinese! These Chinese translations have never been released before, and I’m excited to make them available to people. The Chinese translation is all by 厉雪 (Li Xue, English name: Shirley) and proofread by 嘉梅 (Jia Mei).

Growing up, I would sometimes “strongly encourage” my siblings to help me make a family newspaper. Perhaps I was inspired by Little Women, or maybe I just wanted to write and somehow create an audience to read what I had written. Usually, the little newspaper included a story that would come out in installments. I don’t remember what those stories were about now, and that’s probably for the best. Nobody needs to see that! But I still love the idea of getting to read something little by little.

Since I like the idea of getting to read a small piece of something week by week, I decided to do the same thing with my stories on my website. I hope you enjoy reading these stories and seeing the artwork that goes with them—drawn by Kendra Ness.

I’d love to know what you think about any of the stories! Is there a character that you like or a story that resonates with you?

Look for new stories every Tuesday!