So Many Activities!

So Many Activities!

The last couple of weeks have been the season of activities and competitions! Last week, I had three different activities at my school or other schools. So what are some of the activities that foreign teachers here in China might be expected to or asked to attend as...
Food Culture Festival

Food Culture Festival

Every year in November or December, the university where I teach has a culture festival. International students from all over the world set up booths and sell food that they make to other students and teachers in the university. The fall is usually sunny with blue...


译者:厉雪灵感词:气球,茫然不解保罗坐在培训中心空旷开阔的办公区,斜靠在椅子上,头枕着椅背,双腿往前摊放着。大部分灯都已灭了,一只气球随空调吹出的微微气流摆动着。这只气球不知怎的从举办派对的大厅飘到了这里,当它扫过保罗耷拉在椅子扶手上的手时,保罗捉住了它。 画插图者:赵智智...
Life Meets Work (Paul)

Life Meets Work (Paul)

Inspiration Words: Balloon and Perplexed Paul sat in the large, open office area at the training center. He leaned back in the chair, resting his head against the back, with his legs stretched out in front of him. Most of the lights were off, and a balloon drifted by...