Interview with my Editor: Megan

To put it simply, my book would have been impossible without Megan. I am more than blessed to have a friend like her who has been my editor, but she has also helped me throughout every step of the writing, editing, and publishing processes. I’ve known Megan...

Interviews with Chinese Friends: Ruby

In my interview for today, I talked with Ruby. We had a video call because she decided she would rather share her answers with me that way rather than writing them down. I wrote down her answers and made some small edits to make them more readable. Ruby is also one of...

Interviews with Chinese Friends: John

I am not Chinese. I am an American who has been living in China for the past 9 and a half years now. So what qualifies me to write a book about China and Chinese people? When I see someone who is outside a culture or people group trying to write about that culture or...

How I edited my self-published book

Self-Publishing: The ProcessEditingI have never been very good at editing my own writing. I have the unfortunate problem of thinking that things I write are already pretty good. A good editor helps to clear away the misconceptions I have about my writing as they...

Podcast with Kendra Ness

My friend and illustrator Kendra Ness has a blog, and she invited me to join her on the blog. In this discussion, we talk about my book and where some of my inspiration for writing came from. I also share a little about what I hope my readers will learn about China...

What Are Word Doodles?

I parked my electric bike inside an enclosed gate in the middle of town and headed into Miranda’s apartment. Once inside, I dropped my overnight backpack on the floor and collapsed into my chair. Megan followed suit on her chaise lounge that doubled as her bed for the...